MAMS Holds Career Expo
This fall Middletown Area Middle School (MAMS) hosted their first-ever career expo, giving eighth graders the opportunity to hear from more than a dozen professionals representing various career pathways.
Careers represented included law enforcement, marketing and communications, healthcare, and engineering, just to name a few. Throughout each session, students asked the professionals about their jobs, including education requirements, salary ranges, daily responsibilities, and pros and cons about the job.
The event was part of MAMS’ grade-level career-based programming. Next year as freshman, the students will choose a career pathway and focus elective courses toward preparing for a specific goal area. A Pathway is a broad grouping of careers that share similar characteristics and whose employment requirements call for many common interests, strengths and competencies.
The five career pathways at Middletown Area High School are: Arts & Communications; Business, Finance & Information Technology; Engineering & Industrial Technology; Human Services; and Science & Health.
Thank you to all the professionals who took time out of their day talk with our middle school students!

Dr. Susan Eskin gave students insight into careers in the health sciences field.

Ian Chambers spoke to students about skills and training needed for emergency medicine.
Engineering came to life for MAMS students as Dave Good demonstrated how science is used in his career.

MAHS Social Studies Teacher and Human Services Pathway chair Mr. Josh Rytel (standing left) is joined by MAHS seniors Joseph Gassert and Kylie Hickoff who shared with eighth grade students about the various career pathways available in high school.

MASD School Safety and Security Specialist Mrs. Donna O’Connell talks with students about her law enforcement career and experience.

Cora Farley demonstrated techniques used in veterinary science.