The Pathways to PRIDE Program is designed to connect careers, curriculum and character education so that students graduate from high school a well-rounded and productive citizen. Every department and pathway promotes the social, emotional, and ethical traits that lead to the development of a students’ character. Service learning opportunities promote students’ character education through experiential learning, thus preparing students to become lifelong learners and active, productive members of the communities and society in which they live. The core character traits that guide the Pathways to PRIDE program are defined as follows:
- Perseverance:
- Respect:
- Treat others as you would like to be treated
- Use good manners
- Integrity:
- Be honest
- Have the courage to do the right thing
- Discipline:
- Be accountable for your choices
- Use self-control
- Excellence:
- Do your best
- Strive for quality
Career Pathways
What are Career Pathways?
- Each Pathway is a broad grouping of careers that share similar characteristics and whose employment requirements call for many common interests, strengths and competencies. A chosen Pathway focuses a student’s elective courses toward preparing for a specific goal area.
Why should I choose a Career Pathway?
- To help focus on a career area that matches interests in high school.
- To help set goals and discover classes necessary to achieve those goals.
- To create career awareness and encourage planning for postsecondary education and opportunities.
- To provide knowledge that relates your high school education to the world after graduation.
How do I choose a Career Pathway?
- You will research various career fields in middle school and designated career development activities such as Futures I in grade 9.
- Your counselors, parents and teachers can assist you with this choice.
- You can complete the self-assessment in the Career Planning Guide.
What are my Career Pathway options?
- Arts and Communications
- Business, Finance and Information Technology
- Engineering and Industrial Technology
- Human Services
- Science and Health
Will there be any change in my major academic studies?
- No, you will still take all required core courses at AP, Honors, Academic and Applied levels.