Building Test Dates
ELA: April 24, 25, 26
Math: April 30 and May 1
Science: May 2-3
ELA: April 22, 25, 26
Math: April 29-30
Science: May 2-3
ELA: April 22, 24, 25
Math: April 29-30
Science: May 1-2
PSSA Parent FAQ and Electronic Device English.pdf
Preguntas frecuentes para padres de PSSA.pdf
Uso de dispositivos electrónicos.pdf
Parent Tips for Testing Weeks
- Talk about testing. Don’t brush over it. Discuss with your child how they are feeling about taking the tests.
- Stress that the tests are only a way to check what they know. Teachers expect effort, not perfection.
- Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep.
- Prepare healthy meals and plan for plenty of snacks. And don’t skip breakfast. “Hangry” students don’t perform well.
- Keep your evenings low stress and activity free. Students need to decompress in the evenings, not be running to extra activities.
- Tell your child how proud you are of their efforts.
Adapted from The Mom of the Year.