Middletown Area School District is proud to partner with the Hershey Rotary Club to honor a female and male Student of the Month from Middletown Area High School. The students are nominated by school administrators who consider a student's academic standing and his or her commitment to the Rotary motto, "Service Above Self." Each recipient receives a certificate of honor from the Hershey Rotary Club and awardees are also invited to a Club luncheon meeting, where they are asked to make brief remarks about their accomplishments, their passion for service-related activities, and their plans for the future.
Parents or other guests of the awardees are also invited to attend the luncheon.
MAHS Students of the Month also select a teacher of influence and both are recognized by the Middletown Area School District Board of Directors. Students are presented with a certificate at a school board meeting and a video highlighting the students' achievements is shown.
Cassidy Pomraning is the daughter of Matthew and Stephanie Pomraning. She has been on the distinguished honor roll throughout high school and is an AP Scholar with Distinction. She is involved in many clubs and activities including Science Olympiad, Brain Busters, and link crew. She is also a four year member of the volleyball team. Her teacher of influence is Ms. Jessica Drake. Learn more about Cassidy, including future plans, by watching her Student of the Month Video. |
Sean Stott is the son of Naomi Spoo and Doug Stott III. He is involved in MAHS video production. His teacher of influence is Mr. Preston Gaines. Learn more about Sean, including his family ties to MASD and his future plans by watching his Student of the Month Video. |
Emma Buffington is the daughter of Scott and Julie Buffington She has been on the honor roll and distinguished honor roll throughout high school and is involved in many clubs and activities including student council and link crew. Her teacher of influence is Mr. Ryan Billy. Learn more about Emma, including her leadership accomplishments and future plans, by watching her Student of the Month Video. |
Shawn Muller is the son of Karen and Allen Muller. He is an honor roll student and participates in extracurricular activities including golf, basketball, and MiniTHON. His teacher of influence is Mr. Chris Bradford. Learn more about Shawn, including his future plans and the impact Mr. Bradford has had on his life, by watching his Student of the Month Video. |
Hannah Hottenstein is the daughter of Mark and Leah Hottenstein. She has been on the honor roll throughout high school and has taken numerous AP courses. Her teacher of influence is Mr. Ryan Billy. Learn more about Hannah, including her extracurricular activities and future plans by watching her Student of the Month Video. |
Tyrel Yealy is the son of Tyrel Yealy, Sr., and Angela Yealy. He is an honor roll student, including being on the distinguished honor roll his sophomore and junior year. His teacher of influence is Mr. Brian Keyser. Learn more about Tyrel, including his extracurricular activities and future plans by watching his Student of the Month Video. |
Kylie Hickoff is the daughter of Amy and Mike Hickoff. Her teacher of influence is Mr. Matthew Landrum, who inspired her to get involved in the MAHS band and theater programs. Get to know more about Kylie by watching her student of the month video. |
Tyson Bomberger is the son of Amy and Troy Bomberger. Tyson selected Ms. Kristen Zlogar as his teacher of influence. Tyson said she encouraged him to get involved in the arts program and helped him ‘get out of his shell.’ Get to know more about Tyson by watching his student of the month video. |