PowerSchool & SchoolMessenger

The PowerSchool Parent Portal is the District's tool to connect school and family.

  • Your student’s safety is a high priority to us. You have entrusted us with your children for several hours out of their day and there is important information we need in order to keep your children safe. 
  • Parents/Guardians can view grades, track attendance, monitor discipline logs, complete permission forms and much more.
  • You can make real-time changes to your student’s information at any time throughout the year. You no longer need to contact your school office when you have changes!
  • Parents/Guardians must annually complete the "Student Verification Process" by updating two sections of PowerSchool:
    • Forms covers all student information
    • SchoolMessenger is a mass communication system that contacts parents/guardians by phone, text and email with District announcements, emergency messages, and weather-related messages.

Do not use the PowerSchool app as it does not have all the features needed to complete both steps.

Keep this instruction page open as you get started here: PowerSchool Parent Portal


Please complete the verification process below for EACH STUDENT.

This video will assist you in completing the forms section.

  • Under the “Navigation” column on the left, click on “Forms.”
  • You will see a list of forms to be completed. Click on each one, complete the information, then click “Submit” to be taken to the next form.
  • If a form says “Pending” it is awaiting approval from the District. Please do not repeatedly submit this form.
  • In the “Student Address” and “Health Information” sections, you may be asked to submit required documents. You can attach them directly in the system when requested OR you may deliver hard copies to the School District in one of the following ways:
    • Email - [email protected]
    • Fax - 717-948-3329, Attention: Registration
    • Placing hard copies in the MASD drop box, which is located to the left of the double doors in the front of the MASD Administration Building at 55 W. Water Street.
  • After you have completed the final form, click back on “Forms” (under Navigation) to view all your forms. Any form without a green leaf needs further attention or is pending District approval.
  • When you are finished with forms, proceed to STEP 2.

These instructions will assist you in completing the SchoolMessenger section.

  • Under the “Navigation” column on the left, click on “SchoolMessenger”.
  • You will be taken to the SchoolMessenger system which will open in a new tab in your browser. SchoolMessenger is used to contact you by phone, text and email with emergency notifications, weather-related calls, and District announcements.
  • Click on the small 3 lines at the top left and select “Preferences”. Follow the prompts to enter your phone number and email to receive important calls, texts and emails. You may enter up to two numbers and two emails for each student. We highly recommend that you select ALL options for EVERY number and email. If you don't select them all, you won't receive all District notifications. For example, if you only select “text” you won’t receive detailed messages that are sent via email.
  • Click “Save” after each entry.
When you are finished with SchoolMessenger, go back to the PowerSchool tab in your browser. IN THE TOP DARK BLUE MENU BAR, CLICK ON THE NAME OF THE NEXT STUDENT AND REPEAT STEPS 1 & 2 ABOVE.

If you need assistance, please contact [email protected].
Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2025 SchoolMessenger Corporation. All rights reserved.