

The kindergarten program is a full day experience designed to provide students with fundamental reading, writing and math readiness skills. Emphasis is placed on the developmental areas of human growth: physical, social, emotional and intellectual. Activities are designed to progress students through a series of readiness skills at their individual pace.

The K-5 curriculum is structured to provide students with the opportunity to reach their full academic potential and to prepare them for success at the middle and high school levels. Elementary students are offered the following areas of study:

  • Language Arts develops the skills of speaking, writing, handwriting, reading, literature, listening, English and spelling.
  • Mathematics provides instructions in basic mathematical functions with emphasis on active student involvement and continuous application.
  • Science includes topics from the study of life, physical and earth science.
  • Social Studies expands the student's worldview beginning with self and family and extending to communities, regions and countries.
  • Health teaches the functions of the body at age appropriate levels of instruction. It also includes instruction on drug and alcohol prevention, violence prevention and safety.
  • Physical Education, Music, Library and Art are a vital part of the well-balanced educational program because they provide expanded opportunities for students to express themselves. Emphasis is placed on developing student talents to the fullest potentials and lifelong enjoyment of the arts.

Elementary Reading

Reading instruction in Middletown Area School District focuses in the five key areas of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Teachers use the reading anthology, leveled books, decodable readers, and trade books in their instruction of literacy skills. Instruction in spelling, grammar, writing and study skills occurs in all grade levels. Writing is an integral part of the program that is integrated into all aspects of curriculum.

Essential Components of Reading

  • Phonemic Awareness: recognizing and using individual sounds to create words
  • Phonics: understanding the relationships between written letters and spoken sounds
  • Reading Fluency: developing the ability to read text accurately and quickly
  • Vocabulary Development: learning the meaning and pronunciation of words
  • Reading Comprehension: acquiring strategies to understand, remember and communicate what has been read

Elementary Mathematics

Students in Middletown Area School District elementary schools utilize Pearson's EnVision program for mathematics instruction. This research-based program is aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards for Mathematics. Students in grades kindergarten through five will participate in sixteen units or "topics." After each topic, students will participate in an assessment to determine their level of proficiency with the topic, and after every four topics, students will take a benchmark assessment to determine their retention of previously taught topics. Reteaching will occur as necessary, and additional home practice will be provided to assist students who may be experiencing difficulty with concepts. Mastery of basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts is critical for students in order to ensure success in higher level mathematics. Parents are strongly advised to encourage and assist with fact practice at home. Your child's teacher will be happy to assist you in locating online or print resources to use with your child at home.


Students in Middletown Area Middle School receive daily instruction in four academic disciplines: English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. This instruction is based on Pennsylvania Core Standards or Pennsylvania Academic Standards and is delivered in a team approach. Each grade level has two teams, and each team has a teacher in each of the four core areas. These teachers meet frequently to develop strategic plans to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of students. Students also receive instruction in the Creative Arts, which include the following: music, art, STEM, digital media, health, physical education, and family and consumer science. These courses are delivered on a rotational basis, with each rotation lasting approximately thirty-five days. Students are scheduled into these courses based upon their grade level, and will receive instruction in all of these areas during their time at the middle school. Additionally, there are flex and activity periods built into the academic day, during which students receive interventions or enrichment. Teachers plan flex and activity periods based on student needs and developmentally appropriate practices. Flex and activity period instruction is non-graded and designed to supplement the core curriculum and meet the needs of students. Students have the ability to participate in band, chorus, or student government opportunities during the school day. The goal of the Middletown Area Middle School is to ensure that students are developing socially, emotionally, physically and academically, and the programming offered is designed to meet all of these needs.


For complete details concerning High School curriculum, please visit the MAHS Counseling page located HERE.

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