Raider Academy Online Learning

Raider Academy Get Started

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RAIDER ACADEMY is a full-time cyber option that provides daily instruction in an online environment in conjunction with the Capital Area Online Learning Association CAOLA. This takes the place of existing instruction as the program is administered through partnerships with vendors that provide the content and curriculum resources. Middletown teachers support courses through the program. In their role, the teachers provide instructional support. Students remain Middletown Area School District students but receive online-specific content.

This option is different from remote learning. Students will not have the same teacher they had in school and the curricular options may change. The instruction provided is aligned to PA academic standards but is not our specific MASD curriculum or pacing. In addition, students must enroll in the program and commit to attend either at the beginning of the school year or at the start of a marking period.

Families choose a cyber option for several reasons:

  • Flexibility with scheduling
  • Family preferences or unique situations
  • Individual student needs
  • Desire for something different than the traditional instructional environment

By choosing Raider Academy, students reap additional benefits:

  • District diploma
  • Co-curricular offerings
  • Extra-curricular offerings
  • Involvement in school functions
  • Custom designed program

Raider Academy Kindergarten

Technical Support and Troubleshooting Common Issues
Because Raider Academy uses extensive technology to provide an education, it’s not unheard of to experience technical issues. In that event, Raider Academy families can depend on technical support staff who work to resolve any issues they may encounter.

Our technical support staff can diagnose computer problems and works diligently to ensure the equipment of our Raider Academy families is working properly. Simply email [email protected].

What are the most common problems we see? Here are some examples:

Problem: I can’t connect to the internet.
Solution: Go to settings and check the Wi-Fi. First, check the iPad’s Wi-Fi toggle. If that isn’t the problem, you might have to contact tech support team or your internet service provider.

Problem: My iPad isn’t turning on.
Solution: Conduct a power flush. We understand how vital our iPads are to your student’s education. If it doesn’t turn on, don’t panic. Try this first:
1. Turn off your iPad.
2. Turn on your iPad.
3. If the iPad still does not turn on, contact the tech center for assistance.

Problem: I can’t hear sound.
Solution: The iPad may be muted. Check the sound buttons on the side of the iPad. 

Problem: I forgot my password.
Solution: Email our technical support center at [email protected]. You must contact the tech center to have your password reset. 

If these quick fixes don’t work or you have another issue, our support center is ready to walk you through the steps to finding a solution.


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