MAHS Promotion & Graduation Requirements


All students in grades 9-12 are required to carry at least 6.5 credits unless after consultation with the principal, guidance counselor, and teachers, it is deemed advisable for a student to carry fewer subjects. A student will not be permitted to drop a subject without the consent of his/her parents and guidance counselor (See Student & Parent Handbook: Drop/Add Policy). Students who withdraw from a course after the initial schedule revision period, will receive the grade they have earned in the course at that time and a notation of "withdrew passing" or "withdrew failing" added to their records. No credit will be given for that course.

A failing student must have remained in the course the entire school year if they wish to get credit in summer school. Only two (2) subjects may be taken, either in summer school or by tutoring. Students being tutored or going to summer school must have the approval of the principal. Before enrolling, the school or tutor must be approved by the Middletown Area School District. Upon Satisfactory completion of a failed subject, the final grade originally received will remain the same; however, credit will be given for the failed course.

Students must successfully complete prerequisite courses in order to enroll in advanced courses. Required subjects, which are needed by students for the next highest classification, are to be given priority over elective subjects and will be scheduled first. Students must repeat all required subjects not previously completed with a satisfactory average. The required average is 60%.

Graduation Requirements


In order to graduate from high school, a student shall demonstrate achievement of the student learning outcomes through the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 22.25 credits. See Board Policy #217 and review with guidance counselor as needed for detailed and current information.

Students must successfully complete a required senior project prior to graduation. The senior project, consists of a series of career development activities in grades 9-12. A written Career Action Plan and a career portfolio culminate this project. A short presentation of the plan is given to faculty members. The portfolios will be housed in the counseling office and returned to seniors upon graduation. All graduating seniors must complete all items in their career portfolio, including their written Career Action Plan to be considered a candidate for graduation.

In accordance with Chapter 14 regulations (relating to course completion and diplomas) an identified student who satisfactorily completes a special program developed by the Individualized Education Program team shall be granted a regular high school diploma regardless of number of established credits earned or senior project described.

Course completion and credit may be granted for independent study, state or local district assessments, correspondence courses from accredited colleges and universities, college based courses taught at the college campus, or other educational experience deemed acceptable by an academic committee consisting of the high school principal, guidance counselor and director of Student Services. Students also have the option of requesting accelerated graduation consideration in accordance with School Board Policy #217.


Students who will graduate from high school in 2023 and beyond now have options to meet the statewide graduation requirement established by Act 158.

Act 158 of 2018 (Act 158), which was signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf on October 24, 2018, expands upon the options that students have for meeting Pennsylvania’s graduation requirements. While Act 158 maintains that students will still be required to take the Keystone Exams for federal accountability purposes, students may not be required to achieve proficiency on the Keystone Exams in order to graduate, as long as they meet the requirements set forth by one of the following defined options.

For complete details about Local and Act 158 Graduation Requirements, please click on the presentation below:

Grad Requirements

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